Directorate of Transportation Policy Regulation

DR. Cedric Limbo
Transportation Policy and Regulation
Tel: +264 61-2088150/3
Fax: +264 61-2088000

  • Formulating and ensuring implementation of appropriate transport related policies
  • Regulating the quality of transport services and the level of safety
  • Ensuring efficient, effective and correct utilisation of transportation infrastructure and
  • Development, promulgation and administration of transport and transportation legislation


The Sector Wide Approach (SWAP): The SWAP aims at Strengthening of Institutional Development in the road sub-sector by ensuring that planning, coordination and financing of the sub-sector is in line with economic sustainability principle. The SWAP programme may run up to 2013 with support donors, namely GTZ, KfW and EC
The Trans Kalahari Rail Development Project.

The Project aim at developing a tail line on the Trans Kalahari Corridor brings about connectivity between Namibia and Botswana. Development and Management of Dry Port facilities for Zambia, Botswana and Zimbabwe at Walvis Bay. Negotiation of lease Agreement is ongoing.

Memorandum of Understanding have been signed One stop Border Post Project to be introduces at all of Namibian borders with neighbouring states-particularly Zambia, Botswana, Angola and South Africa Trans Caprivi (Walvis Bay – Ndola – Lubumbashi) corridor, Trans Kalahari corridor projects and Trans Kunene corridor.


Rendering oversight policy and regulatory performance monitoring functions to state owned enterprises (RA, RFA, TransNamib, NamPort, Air Port Company) and agency Transportation sector champion and coordinator towards attainment of national economic and development goals under NDP 3 particularly infrastructures development and poverty reduction Fiscal (State buget) oversight for transportation infrastructure development and service management.

More on Transportation Policy
Division Transportation Policy

Formulate and advise the Minister concerning transportation policy and the implementation of the recommendations of the white paper on Transport Policy. Coordinate and ensure the implementation of economic regulatory policy in all modes of transport.

Deputy Director of Transportation Policy

Ms. Leena Endjala
Deputy Director
Tel: 061-20888154
Fax: 061-2088890

Division Transportation Regulations

Mr. Damien Mabengano
Deputy Director
Tel: +264 61-2088154
Fax: +264 61-2088000


To ensure qualitative, efficient, effective and equitable regulation of the operation of transport services. Ensure that industry adherence to regulatory provisions. To facilitate the harmonization of rules, regulations and technical standards applicable to services, equipment and infrastructure in other countries.

Division Transport Auxiliary Support Services

Serves as the administrative backbone of the entire Department of Transport. Ensure the implementation of the Transport Sector strategic goals and objectives as pounded in the National Development Plan. Align transportation policies to SADC Protocols and other international conventions. Strive to achieve private-public smart partnership in transportation sector investment.

Ms. Hilya Bronn
Actiong Deputy Director
Tel: +264 061 2088325
Fax: +264 061 2088890

Division Traffic Safety Secretariat

Mr. E. S Tendekule
Deputy Director
Traffic Safety Secretariat
Tel: +264 61-231717
Fax: +264 61-239745


The objectives of the Division is to manage road safety in a multidisciplinary manner so as to effect and enhance traffic skills of motorist, pedestrian's road user knowledge, skills and attitudes so as to reduce traffic accidents.

Division Transportation Legislation

Mr. Sheyouyuni C Fikunawa
Deputy Director
Tel: +264 61-2088150
Fax: +264 61-2088000


The main and overarching objective of this Division is to in consultation with the appropriate and relevant stakeholders ensure the promulgation of certain pieces of legislation considered important for the creation of a conducive environment for transport. To serve as a catalyst for socio-economic development. To ensure the proper interpretation of these sets of legislation and to guide the implementation and competent agencies in the execution of their transport powers and functions in an efficient and effective manner.