Aviation - Ministry of Works and Transport

Directorate of Aircraft Accident and Incident Investigation
Mr. Magnus Abraham Mission of the DAAII - to promote aviation safety through the conduct of independent and objectified investigations into aircraft accidents and incidents in conformance with 1.Annex 13, of the Convention on International Civil Aviationorganization. DAAII is an independent investigation authority, primarily responsible for the investigation of aircraft accidents and serious incidents, to determine the facts, conditions and circumstances pertaining to the accident, the dissemination of safety information and for carrying out accident prevention activities in Namibia. Read MoreIt shall not be the purpose of an investigation to apportion blame or liability to any party involved, but to take remedial rather than punitive action. The Directorate is also responsible for investigating civil aviation accidents and incidents, which occur to any civil aircraft in or over Namibia to aircraft registered in any country other than Namibia. The Director of Aircraft Accident Investigation shall, with least possible delay and by the quickest means of communication available, notify the appropriate authority of the country in which the aircraft was registered. Local and international safety trends and key safety indicators are also monitored, researched and analyzed in order to establish whether Namibia is on a par with the global civil aviation community. Once an investigation is completed, a report is generated which includes safety recommendations made by the investigator-in-charge. This report is submitted to the Internal Accident Review Committee (IARC), which in turn will comment on the report, determine a probable cause and accept or reject the safety recommendations proposed. Should the Safety Recommendations be accepted, and should it be deemed necessary, these Safety Recommendations are then communicated to owners and operators of aircraft and other role players in the industry. Airworthiness Directives (AD'S), Maintenance Advisory Notices (MAN's) Alert MAN's and Emergency Safety Directives (ESD's) can also be issued to address problems. |
Family assistanceRead MoreDAAII will provide specific information to assist the victims of air accidents and their relatives, provided that information does not compromise the objectives of the safety investigation. In general terms, this information will relate to the investigation process, the timelines associated with the investigation and the issuance of Reports. For fatal and/or serious injuries in general aviation and sport flying type occurrences, DAAII will communicate directly with the relevant families. For fatal and/or serious injury public transport type occurrences, DAAII in coordination with the victims and their families may appoint a reference person as a point of contact who will communicate directly with the relevant families. Air transportation safety letters and concernsSafety concernsSafety concerns provide a marker to the industry and the regulator that the DAAII has identified a safety deficiency for which it does not yet have sufficient information to make a recommendation. As more data and analysis become available, and if the safety deficiency is found to be systemic and not redressed, the safety concern may lead to a recommendation. Safety concerns are usually communicated in final investigation reports. Safety information lettersDAAII will sends safety information letters to regulatory and/or industry stakeholders to advise them of potentially unsafe acts or conditions identified during an investigation that pose low risks and do not require immediate remedial action. The letters aim to promote safety or clarify issues that a stakeholder is already examining, and are sent before the investigation has been completed. Those that do not contain privileged or proprietary information are posted here. Safety advisory lettersSafety advisory letters are concerned with safety deficiencies that pose low to medium risks, and are used to inform regulatory or industry stakeholders of unsafe conditions. A safety advisory letter suggests remedial action to reduce risks to safety and would require a response.
Divisions and SectionsAircraft Accident Prevention
Deputy Director (Vacant) This Division is responsible for:
Aircraft Accident InvestigationMrs Philippine Lundama This division is responsible for
Adminstrative Support SectionNotification of All Accidents and Incidents Reporting of Incident or Accident Published Reports
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Legislations and Regulations
FormsDAAII Published Reports |